How we spend your money

When you donate to World Villages for Children you are giving a brighter future to a desperate child.

Your donation goes direct to the Sisters of Mary education programmes to maintain support for the children currently in 13 schools in 6 countries worldwide and to fund new places for those deprived children who need it the most.

Each year your generous donations pay for the daily care and education of thousands of the world’s most vulnerable children. You provide everything that the boys and girls need to thrive during their time at school. This includes vital food, healthcare and hygiene supplies, school uniform, sports kit, educational equipment and materials, teaching and support into employment as well as larger items like new buildings, fixtures and fittings.

Your gifts transform the lives of these children. With the chance of an education they are equipped to find work and become independent adults, able to support themselves and their families out of poverty.

Key figures


Total number of graduates to date

Over 167,000 children have graduated from the schools into work but many more lives have been touched by this work


Children in school places & in day-care in 2023

Every year around 20,000 children are able to have a place at school in the care of the Sisters of Mary because of your kindness

3 meals a day

and a bed for every child

Hungry children cannot study, your support allows us to provide everything a poor child needs to thrive and succeed

Essential costs and administration

As an organisation, we work to spend your money in the most efficient way. We provide careful stewardship of the income you entrust to us and tight control of our essential costs like overheads and operating expenses to help us ensure our activities represent good value for our donors’ investment.

This allows us to provide the Sisters of Mary with regular and adequate funds to support the nearly 20,000 children in their care each year.

We work closely with the Sisters as they utilise your funds and deliver the education programmes. We maintain regular involvement in school life and programme delivery and detailed oversight of expenditure.

This means that when you entrust your gift to WVC for the children in our care that is exactly where the funds are spent.

In 2023 for every £1 donated
Charitable Activities 84p
Fundraising costs 16p

For every pound donated to us in 2023 we spent 84 pence on our charitable work. We spent 16 pence on generating funds for our future overseas work.

Each aspect of the way we operate from our London office is designed to keep these essential costs low. We keep a small team, rent inexpensive office space, we buy only the lowest fares for travel and stay in budget hotels when travelling abroad.


Annual Report 2023

For every pound we spent on our fundraising in 2023 we received £6.48 back and the way we raise and spend money upholds our core principles of transparency, impact, and sustainability. 100 percent of our donations come from private donors, like you.

You allow us to provide education and care where the need is greatest. It is you, our donors, who fuel our work and we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you.

To see the detail of how your money was spent  in 2023 and the impact these funds have had in the regions where we work, our most recent report and accounts can be downloaded here.

Read our report