boy sitting outside mud hut in Tanzania

Building a new school for boys

To allow more and more children to escape a life of poverty, the Sisters of Mary are now extending their programmes in Tanzania. Since the inauguration of Kisarawe Girls’ School in 2019, the Sisters of Mary have received many requests from boys, desperate for a place at school.

To respond to this significant demand and with the gift of land in Dodoma from the local authorities, building of the first phase was completed in the summer of 2023

The new school, when complete, will represent a big step forward for the programmes in helping to care for the poorest children in this region. Boys are in extreme need of good vocational training into employment and the new programme will match the provision we now have in place for the girls by providing equal access for impoverished boys.

Sister standing outside a mud hut in Tanzania with a poor family

Meeting desperate need

In their community work, the Sisters have been inundated with pleas from families to give their boys a place at school.

34% of boys in Tanzania are estimated to drop-out of lower secondary school due to the cost and so the facilities for a free, quality education for these children are vital.

The need has never been more urgent for the provision of quality, free education for the poorest and most vulnerable boys in Tanzania and with your help we are responding to this need.

Young boys, like those the Sisters met last year (pictured left), from all over Tanzania will have the opportunity to get a quality education and lift themselves and their families out of poverty, breaking the cycle and helping whole communities to flourish.

A yellow single story building surrounded by arid land

Building progress

On 9th December 2022, the Sisters were able to hold a ground breaking ceremony to officially open the building project.

The Archdiocese of Dodoma donated 12 hectares of land for the new school. The project is being supported and encouraged by Archbishop Beatus Kinyaiyathe, the archdiocese and local and national government.

Subject to funding, the building project will be phased over three years.

Inauguration in 2023

Dodoma Boys’ School was officially opened in September 2023. The first cohort of 110 boys began school in the  summer of 2023, joined by a further 58 in January 2024.

Phase 1 of the building consisted of a single storey building constructed to house dormitories, classrooms and workshops.

“Tanzania was conceived on the belief that all humans are created equal. Everybody should have an equal opportunity for education... So the services that are going to be offered here, that are offered here now, and the services in Kisarawe, are unique in offering privilege that would have been impossible for kids like these to enjoy. I can only say asante sana, thank you very much.”

Hon. Prof. Adolf Mkenda, Minister for Education in Tanzania
Sister Maureen leaning down with a smiling boy in Tanzania
Sister Maureen with one of the boys in Tanzania hoping for a place at school

Transforming poor boys' lives

Once the final phase of the school building project is complete, it will have the capacity to educate 900 – 1,000 boys every year.

The boys will study for 6 years and alongside academic subjects they will learn the following technical skills (accredited by VETA) to help them into employment after they complete school:

  • Electrical Engineering & Solar Panel Installation
  • Welding
  • Computer Technology
  • Carpentry
  • Auto mechanics & Driving

The Sisters will support these boys into work once they leave school, using their relationships with local employers to help the boys find stable employment. With a good job the boys will be able to escape a life of poverty and will in turn be able to help their families and communities.

To find out more about this project and how you can help, call us on 0207 629 3050 or email Carey Evans at


Boys enrolled at school


Teachers providing educational needs


Sisters looking after the boys

Finding new students

The Sisters of Mary reach out to the poorest children across Tanzania within the most isolated and impoverished communities