The Santa Paula Family in Brasilia Girlstown is made up of 48 girls in their second year at the secondary school. The girls are cared for by their mother-Sister, Sister Julie Ann. The girls come from poor, complex family backgrounds. The most important thing when they come to Brasilia Girlstown is that they feel loved and supported. All of their physical needs are provided for and the Sisters, and they are supported emotionally in their family groups as they go through their school life.
Sister Julie Ann says that the girls “show willingness in class because they have a thirst for knowledge”. Together, the family attends classes together and other extra curricular activities like jogging, outdoor games, sports, gardening and reading. Sister Julie Ann reports that they “love these kind of activities because they feel the essence of being youth, of living as family, doing together and learning together with laughter and smiles”.
The family groups is not only important for a sense of belonging, but is vital for the emotional wellbeing of the girls.
When the children start school in Grade 7, they receive their school uniform, a bag, a pair of sports shoes and school shoes, set of colouring materials, some house clothes and sports uniform. They also receive books, board games, and other indoor game materials in their dormitories for leisure time. They have a general medical check-up to assess their medical and dental health needs. Your sponsorship of a family will contribute to these basic costs, making sure that each one has clothing, food, and books for their school.
Every day, the Santa Paula Family eats breakfast, do their chores, attend classes and extra curricular activities, spend some time gardening with Sister Julie Ann, eat dinner, and study together before going to sleep in their shared dormitory space. Their lives are communal and they do everything together, giving each other support and friendship as they progress through their schooling.
My name is Lara , from Brasilia Girlstown in Brazil; I am part of Saint Paula’s family. I am 16 years old, I come from Amapá do Maranhão, and I am the eldest of five siblings. My parents are separated, so I lived with my grandmother. I have a very painful life; our little hut is made of smashed mud. I thought my future would be as my parents: no studies and no job.
However, my life changed a lot when I came to know the Sisters of Mary. They give me new vision. When I was in my early years in the school, I was very naughty and disobedient. But, mother sisters were so patient and they never gave up to teach me. I feel that they really love me. Now, I am becoming more mature and responsible. I love my family here, we grow together since the beginning and we share many happy experiences together with our mother sister. I love to sing. I am part of the choir group.
I would like to be a dentist someday and my dream is to study in England. I know that it will cost a lot of hard work but I will do my best to achieve my goal. I am so grateful to our benefactors for being my inspirations to do good things to others. I am so grateful for your goodness. May God bless you!
My name is Lauanda, from Brasilia Girlstown in Brazil. I am 2nd year High School, from Saint Paula family. I come from a very poor family. My parents separated when I was still three. I live with my mother together with my younger brother. My mother has no permanent job. Life is the remote places, as mine has no hope for the future. The public schools have no structure.
I am greatly blessed by God having the opportunity of studying in Brasilia Girlstown. I learn new and interesting things as well as the integral formation of my being. Before I had the difficulty to do my daily routine. Now, I learn their values and the positive changes I see in me. I became more responsible and diligent with my duties. My favourite subject is Mathematics and in the future, I want to take Financial Accounting.
I really want to lift up my family’s condition. I am so proud that I am one of the daughter of Father Al and I thank our good friends for stretching their generous arms to help us grow and make us hopeful in the future. Thank you dear friends. I will always pray for you.
£9 – Helps provide all the clothing, care, health and hygiene essentials for a child for a month
£21 – Helps provide all the reference books, textbooks, notepads and pens for a child’s education for one month
£26 – Helps provide all the food needed by one child for a month
£84 – Helps provide everything needed to care for one child for a month*
*these costs are based on the average across all our schools
Your donations help us to provide education for the world’s poorest children. They help us to fund school places and the everyday care needed for boys and girls who are without hope. See the difference your monthly or single gift can make to the lives of the children in our care: