Dear Friends and Benefactors

On behalf of all the Sisters of Mary and over 21,000 children, I would like to greet you

A  Very Happy Christmas and a New Year full of Graces!

It is such a beautiful season to remember all the graces that we all receive and all the good deeds you have done for others. Particularly, we convey our sincere gratitude for the love and concern you have for the less privileged children under our care. Your generosity has made very positive impact in their lives and this has extended to their families and the society. We have provided all their basic needs at our Boystowns, Girlstowns, Day care Centres, Training centres and Medical and Dental Clinics. Without your help, these children could have just been left in their own homes or in the streets without education and deprived even the basic necessities. Many of them, had bitter experiences and with a feeling of hopelessness before they came to us and with your assistance, we were able to bring back the joy and hope to these children.

This year, many more poor children wanted to study at our schools due to increasing poverty, violence and insecurities; however, we were able to accept more than 6,000 only since we do not have enough rooms for everyone. More than 4,000 have graduated and were able to have their work immersion and secure employment.

We were able to complete our Phase 1 construction of the Boystown Complex in Tanzania and the 5 story dormitory building and gymnasium will be finished by the end of the year. Typhoons had caused some damages to our facilities in the Philippines and repairs and maintenance are on-going. Early January, 2025 we will be accepting new children in Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras and Tanzania. It will be another exciting time for us.

This Christmas, everyone will be receiving their most awaited gifts and special treats. It is always consoling to see big smiles in their faces. Seeing them growing physically, emotionally and spiritually reminds us of the many people like you, who are one with us in this noble mission. Together we continue to make this world a happy place to live by giving our youth the opportunity to develop their potentials.

And our gift to you is the earnest prayers of all our sisters and children for your intentions. May you always be filled with peace and joy this season and throughout the New Year 2025!

Sincerely yours,

Sr. Elena, Sisters of Mary & Children

Sister Elena's Christmas Message