The new Sisters of Mary multi-purpose nursery and training centre in Tanzania opens its doors

Student with a Sister vising her family
Hadija meeting the Sisters, October 2021

Vocational Training Centre

Funded with the generosity of our friends and supporters, this fully equipped facility in Kiluvya near Dar es Salaam, will welcome 110 of the region’s poorest young women who will have access to classes on Food production, Tailoring and Electrical and Solar Installation.

The facility provides vital educational support and practical skills training for these impoverished young girls who have missed out on school and without intervention face a deprived future.

Hadija will be one of the first students to benefit from your kindness. Now 18, Hadija is an orphan. Taken in by her aunt she dropped out of school at 13 to help at home and now makes a meagre living by selling charcoal, farming and selling vegetables. She missed out on an education but thanks to you she will soon study tailoring and learn the skills she needs to find a good job and make a better, independent future for herself and her family.

The new students will be taught by local teachers and follow the Vocational Education and Training Authority for Tanzania (VETA)accredited vocational course for six months. On completion they will receive a certificate and help to find a local job or set up their own small businesses.

Nursery children holding hands dancing
Orientation day, Nursery centre February 2022


Alongside the training centre is the new nursery for youngsters aged 3-5. So many impoverished young women in Tanzania are given in early marriage and prevented from further learning or finding work because of caring for children. The new nursery which is based on the Montessori teaching method, is one of very few in the region and provides a vital solution to this problem

The facility which is already in huge demand and 50% oversubscribed provides full  supervision for the youngsters and will accommodate 60 boys and girls. It will offer three nutritious meals every day for each child, early learning and play opportunities.

For these most deprived youngsters it is a place of safety, where they can grow, make new friends, have fun and learn in peace. For their mothers it is a lifeline and provides the space they need to learn new skills which will help them to find work, make a living to support their families and gain the confidence and independence they deserve.

Nursery and Training Centre
Nursery children at their desks