Boys doing art with coloured pens outside

Boystown Guadalajara opened in November 1998

This school now provides a safe place to live and learn for 1,939 young boys where they are lovingly cared for and have the chance to enjoy a childhood free from the worries of poverty.

In two large seven-story buildings with dormitories and classrooms, the boys aged 12-18 can focus on their studies, without being hungry or afraid, have a bed of their own – many for the first time – and are given regular nutritious meals and the knowledge that they’re safe from harm.

The Sisters of Mary ensure  the boys thrive during their time at school and our teaching staff offer the boys a range of academic subjects alongside specialised training in IT, computer engineering, accounting, electronics, mechanics, culinary arts and horticulture.

The boys learn valuable and relevant skills giving them the best possible chance of employment once they graduate from school.

Boys stretching before sports class

Vocational training is essential

The boys receive an extensive range of vocational training to prepare them for employment. This takes place in the onsite machine, carpentry and mechanics workshops.

The boys are taught the skills needed by local employers and the Sisters arrange a period of work experience called On the Job Training (OJT) in local companies. At the end of their time at school large local companies like Chevrolet, accept many of the boys into full-time work.

The boys also have lots of opportunity for play and fun during their time at school. They have a full programme of hobbies and sports and have access to a range of onsite facilities which include a gymnasium and basketball courts.

Thanks to our friends and supporters in 2023 we were able to welcome 559 new boys from the poorest families in Mexico into a place in school.



Boys in school in 2024


Boys finished school with the skills they needed to find work in 2024


New boys joined in 2024