a group of girls in an electronics class with their teacher smile at lightbulbs on a circuit board

Celebrating innovation and valuable skills

We are so proud to see that our new electronics and solar panel workshop in Kisarawe Girls’ School made the National press in Tanzania this week!

The coverage and the words of Professor Mdoe, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Science and Technology in Tanzania’s Ministry of Education, reinforce the value of the practical skills our children are learning.

“This is a very important initiative in shaping the future for our students as it creates a very conducive environment for learning and instilling innovation attributes in learners’ minds. And for that, I congratulate the Sisters of Mary, for that initiative.” – Professor Joseph Mdoe.

This week, the Sisters of Mary Kisarawe Girls' School made the national press when their new electronics workshop was opened

“With this equipment it will help them to find jobs in companies, and be able to help also in society, even in their own village with the knowledge of the electrical installation and solar energy. They can by themselves, install and share their skills.”

Sister Merry JaneKisarawe Girls' School, Tanzania
a group of girls in colourful clothing and face paint hlding the blue yellow and black flags of Tanzania with Sister Maria

Four years of progress

The opening of this workshop falls on the four year anniversary of the inauguration of Kisarawe Girls’ School, which opened on 22nd August 2019. The new workshop shows how far the programme has come in four years, growing  from the first group of 160 girls who arrived in May 2019, to a school that now provides free, quality education to 780 girls, with 33 teachers and 15 Sisters caring for their needs. Looking back on what has been accomplished in 4 years, we see just how valuable this provision is for girls in Tanzania.

In the past four years, we have:

  • welcomed a new year group of 160 girls every year
  • last year, the first 160 girls sat and passed their national exams and came first in the region
  • The Sisters have visited every region in Tanzania to meet and welcome the poorest children in need of education
  • We have added new vocational training courses every year culminating in an education provision which is now recognised nationally.

All of this is made possible only with the incredible support from our donors, so thank you for your support in making all this happen!