Our dear benefactors and friends,
It is with great joy to me to express my deepest gratitude for all the financial and moral support that you have extended to me and all our sisters and all the children under our care for so many years and in particular for the 12 years that I had been entrusted by the Lord to be the superior general of the Sisters of Mary. It was a heavy duty but everything became lighter and even a happiness for me because of you all. Your generosity and sincere concern had made me and all the sisters accomplish our mission of relieving the suffering of the poor especially the children from very marginalized families or even some abandoned by one or both of their parents.
We were able to provide tens of thousands of children with the quality secondary education and prepare them to face the challenges in the real world. I say real world because when they are with us, the fun and enjoyment of being children, deprived to them by poverty, we given back to them; the high-quality academic and technical education received by the chosen few well-to-do families, were experienced by them and the love and the belongingness of a family were felt by them during their stay in all our boarding schools in the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras and Tanzania. They had found a true home in our Girlstowns and Boystowns. With these, coupled with the spiritual values imbibed in their hearts prepare them to be able to overcome new challenges as they leave us. Without your tireless effort and support, we would not be able to do this.
Therefore, I wish to thank you personally and at the same time I would like to inform you that since my term of service as superior general has come to an end, we have now a new superior general, Sr. Elena Belarmino, SM who will continue handling the baton of our loving service to the poor. She will not be alone and we, Sisters of Mary, are all together in this charity work. We move in the same direction, all for the welfare of the poor and for the glory of God.
I then urge you to continue supporting us and even much more, since the global economic crisis and the dwindling economy in the countries where we are, make our responsibilities doubly challenging and the needs of the poor continue to increase because of skyrocketing prices of commodities. I believe you will be as ever faithful, we are one in this mission. And so once again, thank you very much and be assured of my unceasing prayers for all of you, your families and friends.
May God and our Blessed Mother bless you all.
Sincerely yours,
Sr. Maria Cho, SM
December 2024 News
December was a joy filled month at all our schools around the world. Read more of our December news.
International Day of Education
2025’s International Day of Education is about teaching children to become independent thinkers, giving them the tools and knowledge to navigate an evolving technological landscape.
New students 2025
This month, we are welcoming hundreds of new children into our Sisters of Mary schools around the world.