men on roof installing solar panel

Kisarawe Girlstown, Tanzania

In Kisarawe Girls School, the girls welcomed more visitors in June including donors and local officials and the school had a set of solar panels installed on the roof (pictured left). These panels will go a long way to providing renewable, sustainable energy for the school and help to keep electricity costs lower.

This is especially important now as we face a global rise in the cost of living, which has dramatically increased the cost of educating our children. Easing some of the costs of electricity will help divert more funds to welcoming new children into school and paying for the essential needs like food and education. The video below is provided by the kind permission of AG Energies, the company partnering with the Sisters of Mary to bring solar power to the school.

Installation of solar panels at Kisarawe Girls School

The below video is shared with the kind permission of AG Energies Tanzania.

Boys in sports kit competing in Mexico
Boys competing at school in Mexico

Guadalajara Boystown, Mexico

In Guadalajara Boystown, despite the difficulties in the country, the poorest boys in our care continued to receive a quality education.

They loved their time at school, competed enthusiastically and in the athletics 5 km run they won all three top spots!

two girls with nun wearing masks

Brasilia Girlstown and Sao Paulo Day Care, Brazil

In Brasilia Girlstown and São Paulo Day Care, all the children in our care aged from 3 to 17 celebrated Festa Junina, a cultural and religious celebration of harvest in Brazil.

children with masks writing at a desk

Biga Girlstown, Adlas Boystown & Talisay Girlstown, the Philippines

At Biga Girlstown and Adlas Boystown, our students excelled in the education authority (TESDA)’s Provincial Skills Competition in June. The girls at Biga won gold, silver and bronze medals. In Adlas, the boys won four gold and four silver medals. The boys attended job interviews, ready for jobs immediately after finishing school, and had team building with Grade 9 and 10 students.


Elsewhere in the Philippines the Sisters resumed their vital community work meeting new children in need of their care. In Biga, they met new potential grade 7 girls (pictured right) and held a recognition day for Grade 12 girls finishing school this year.


In Talisay Girlstown, the girls in the final year had a Careers Talk and work experience.

girls in red uniforms playing football

Tegucigalpa Girlstown and Amarateca Boystown, Honduras

The girls participated in various sporting and other activities in commemoration of the feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. On the left you can see the girls enjoying a game of football during the celebration.


In Amarateca, the school received a donation of equipment from Toyota for the mechanics workshop. A civic celebration was held in commemoration of Student Day. The boys who have been working hard to grow their own food crops were thrilled to gather in a good harvest of pineapples which will contribute greatly to their nutrition over the next few months. The boys also took part in a variety of games to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Fr. Al’s ordination.

girl singing wearing a dress made from recycled materials

Zona 13 Girlstown and Zona 6 Boystown, Guatemala

In Zona 13, the girls came 2nd in a singing competition raising awareness about the environment (pictured right), and were placed 2nd and 3rd in a hockey competition.

Zona 6

In Zona 6, the boys achieved 2nd and 3rd place in a concert organized by the local municipality.