Group of boys in a shanty posing for the camera

The importance of Payroll Giving

Payroll giving, also known as Workplace Giving, plays an important role in providing a quick, easy and tax efficient way to regularly support charities you are passionate about, straight from your salary.

Through Payroll Giving, we can receive your support in a tax effective way as your charity donations are taken from your gross salary before income tax is deducted. It allows your donation to go further while costing you less and it provides our schools with a regular income to help us plan ahead more effectively.

Supporting us by Payroll Giving means that if you give £10 a month, we will receive £10 but it will only cost you £8 on a basic rate tax, £6 on 40% tax, or £5.50 on 45% tax.

Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate through Payroll Giving. It also allows many employers to match your donation, meaning your gift goes twice as far!

Ask your employer or pension provider if they run a Payroll Giving scheme and nominate us or call us on 0207 629 3050 for more details.

Ana sitting at her desk

Benefits for employees

  • Your donation is pre-tax
  • Your donations may be matched by your employer and so go twice as far!
  • The donation comes out of your wages automatically
  • World Villages for Children receives the whole donation, including the tax
  • You can cancel or change your donation at any time.

Benefits for employers

For employers Payroll Giving has a number of important benefits

  • Simple and free to set up
  • It’s the most tax-efficient way to give to charity
  • Boosts employee engagement and empowers them to support the causes they care about
  • Enhances CSR objectives and drives forward charitable initiatives
  • Creatives Positive PR and demonstrates the company’s commitment to supporting the wider community
  • Boosts employee morale and motivation at work, which aids in staff retention and recruitment

If you are ready to set up payroll giving to World Villages for Children , our charity registration number is 1058973.

If you need further details or would just like to discuss the options we would love to hear from you. Please call us on 0207 629 3050 or use the link.

Contact us

Payroll Giving schemes that support World villages for Children

CAF Give As You Earn

Set up your payroll giving

Charitable Giving

Set up your payroll giving
Why we need your support

When you support us and help a child living in extreme poverty you are helping a family, a community and a country.

356 Million

An estimated 356 million children live in extreme poverty deprived of the basics for survival like food, shelter and healthcare.

2x Poverty

Children are more than twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty and the consequences of poverty last children a lifetime.

263 Million

263 million children, adolescents and youth around the world are out of school. When you support us and help a child living in extreme poverty you are helping a family, a community and a country.