Two young boys standing by a shack

Your Support Makes A Lasting Difference. Consider A Gift To World Villages For Children In Your Will.

A will is a good way to plan for the needs of your family and loved ones – and by also leaving a gift to World villages for Children in your will, you can create a better future for the most deprived children around the World.

We’re dedicated to caring for the world’s most impoverished children, but without your help, the work of World Villages for Children would not be possible.

By leaving a gift to World Villages for Children in your final wishes, you can provide a safe place to live and learn and the chance of a brighter  future for a deprived child living in Guatemala, Mexico, Brazil, Honduras, the Philippines and Tanzania.

Five boys holding up placards saying Thank you on them

Your special legacy gift will help generations of families

So far, with the generous support of our donors, we have been able to transform the lives of over 150,000 of the world’s poorest children born into poverty but thousands more lives have been touched by the impact of this support.

Education is key to ending poverty. A gift in your Will could help us change so many lives. It will help us reach out to more deprived children, to create a safe future for them by funding more school and nursery places and paying for more teachers and staff. It would help provide more books and food to support the children.

Your gift will help our children have the chance to become self-sufficient adults, support generations of their loved ones and make a lifelong difference to the welfare of their families and communities.

Two nursery children holding hands and balloons

How to leave a gift to World Villages for Children

You may choose to leave a fixed amount (pecuniary gift) or you can choose to leave a share of what is left in your estate once you have provided for your loved ones (a residuary gift).

Your contribution is invaluable and any gift will make an enormous difference to our boys and girls and be put to good and effective use in our education projects worldwide.

When the time is right you can find out more by downloading our brochure below, calling us on 0207 629 3050, or emailing

World Villages for Children is a member of the Your Catholic Legacy consortium and the  National Free Wills Network, which allows us to work together with other charities and shine a light on gifts in wills as well as offering our donors a will written free of charge. We hope that you will take this opportunity to make provisions for your loved ones, and also consider including a bequest to support our work.

Get in touch

If you have further questions, would like more information on giving to World Villages for Children or would like to discuss how to leave a legacy gift to support our education programmes, please call the Supporter Team on 020 7629 3050 or use the contact form below.


Why we need your support

When you support us and help a child living in extreme poverty you are helping a family, a community and a country.

356m Children

An estimated 356 million children live in extreme poverty deprived of the basics for survival like food, shelter and healthcare.

263m Children

263 million children, adolescents and youth around the world are out of school

2x Poverty

Children are more than twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty and the consequences of poverty last a lifetime