Sister Maureen leaning down with a smiling boy in Tanzania
Sister Maureen with one of the boys in Tanzania hoping for a place at school

How does it work?

March is Free Wills Month and it is an opportunity to consider your loved ones, causes you care for and leave a lasting legacy by making your will for free.

Any gift in your will, no matter what size, can make a huge difference to the lives of children living in poverty and provide them with an education and the chance for a transformed future.

World Villages for Children is part of the Free Wills Network which offers people aged 55 and over the opportunity to have a Will written for free.  The scheme uses local solicitors in selected areas around the UK, and although there’s no obligation to leave a gift to World Villages for Children in your Will, we hope when people use the service they might consider helping in this special way.


Student hugging his father

How can you take part?

When you let us know you are interested in using the National Free Wills Network we will contact them and they will forward all the details you need to start your planning. This will include your Charity Free Wills Pack.

The pack will include everything you need to complete your Will; including a list of your nearest participating solicitors and a yellow Confidential Declaration Form that acts as your Free Will voucher. Please note that the pack will be sent direct from the National Free Wills Network once your information has been received from us.

If you are interested in using the service or just want to discuss some more. Please contact our legacies team on 0207 629 3050 or email Carey at


four chidlren standing in front of hut in Tanzania

Read how a gift in your Will can help a girl like Mercedes

Mercedes met the Sisters of Mary during a difficult period in her life. Her step father had been jailed for beating her and her mother and Mercedes was caring for her four young siblings. Her mother struggles to support them all and they rely on the kindness of neighbours for food. Mercedes found hope when, with the help of a legacy gift, the Sisters were able to bring her to Kisarawe Girls School near Dar es Salaam, and give her the chance of a quality education to help her and her family out of poverty.

Mercedes future will be transformed because of her new opportunity. She now dreams of becoming a doctor to help people like her mother, who cannot afford medical treatment. She says, “the way I now imagine my life after graduating, is that I will be a successful person because here I am having a good training. I also imagine using different talents that I have in order to reach my dreams and goals in my life.”

“It is such great joy to know about you dear donors. I don’t want to miss the chance to thank you for all you have done for me and you keep doing for every girl in need.”


“I shall never have enough words to thank the people who make possible the mission of the Sisters of Mary, as I am the living proof of how their donation can transform lives”


“I owe my success to the Sisters of Mary, they're a great part of my life & I know that without them I wouldn’t be where I am now and I wouldn’t be able to help my family and get them out of poverty.”

DavidZona 6, Guatemala

“I thank the benefactors for their generosity. Like them, I will also be a source of joy to others when I graduate”


“I express my infinite gratitude and admiration to the people who have selflessly placed their trust in my academic training. I can tell you with complete frankness that every penny they invested in me was made the most of, forming a productive citizen, full, with values and virtues.”


“I would like to say thank you very much to our dear donors and benefactors for their generous heart especially to the poorest of the poor like me because without God in them and through our beloved sisters I could not be here.”

MercedesKisarawe Girlstown, Tanzania