A nun stands next to a small hut with a family outside

Reaching out to the poorest children

A key part of the Sisters’ work is reaching out to the poorest children, those living in the most remote, impoverished communities. The Sisters dedicate several months of each year and spend days travelling along roads washed away by rains, or in city rubbish dumps, roadside slums or on muddy mountain sides, to reach children who are living in desperation and who lack access to education or a way out of poverty.

In February, the Sisters continued this work by visiting rural communities in the Philippines and Mexico to meet new children hoping for a chance to join the Sisters of Mary schools. The Sisters focus on reaching those who without the Sisters’ intervention would go on to a life in poverty with no hope of a better future. Thanks to your support, they are able to offer safe places in their care for those most vulnerable children and these boys and girls will join the schools in July and August this year.

Girls outside on the grass waving at the camera

Beginning to thrive at school

Already at school and now flourishing with a regular balanced diet and the loving care of the Sisters are the new boys and girls who started with the Sisters in January.  2015 young boys and girls from the age of 3 upwards joined the Sisters’ schools and day care centres in Guatemala, Honduras, Brazil and Tanzania in January.

These children feel so happy and blessed to have your support for their care and the first months have been a period of adjustment and a revelation for them. They love their lessons and everything school has to offer, particularly the food and their after class activities!

A group of boys and a nun standing by a table with ears of corn on it

Dodoma harvest

At the Sisters’ new boys’ school in Dodoma, Tanzania, progress has been good over the last few months and the new boys’ school has seen their first harvest! The boys who joined in January have each been given a small plot of land to grow plants in their spare time. It is an absolute joy for these youngsters who are so familiar with farming as a way of life to get their hands in the soil and in just a few short months (thanks to the arrival of the rains), their vegetable plots are already providing fresh produce for everyone at the school.

Your support means that we can provide seeds and plants for these children so they can supplement their food budget, grow more fruit and vegetables to support their diet and ensure that what you are able to provide for them goes even further. Thank you!

Girls holding hockey sticks and medals

Achievements and Competition winners

As usual our children at the schools across the world enjoyed their time at school and particularly keeping fit and playing sports as part of their after school activities. They also love to test themselves and compete against their peers in competitions.

Chalco Girlstown in Mexico were extremely busy and successful competing throughout February. 6 Athletics students were selected to represent the State of Mexico for a macro-regional national competition. Later in the month the dancing team took first place in the Folk Dance competition in Mexico state, the Hockey team won second place in the regional competitions and in Puebla, 21 girls from the school won first and second place in Taekwondo. Guadalajara Boys Taekwondo team also won first place, also making the final in the Basketball championship.

In the Philippines, Biga Girls were Cavite division Champions in Athletics, Futsal and Sepak Takraw and Champion in the Dressmaking competition ready to compete at the Regional Level in the DepEd Festival of Talents. The boys at Adlas were not to be outdone in the same challenges and came away as Champions in Painting and Feature Writing as well as AutoCad and Electrical, also taking 3rd place in Tailoring.

In Honduras, the girls in Tegucigalpa Girlstown won 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in swimming. We are so proud of them all!