It’s That Time of Year
3,000 children at the Sisters of Mary School, Philippines teamed up with of the Black Eyed Peas to perform “It’s that Time of Year”. All proceeds from the streaming of the song will support the children in the Sisters of Mary Programmes.
New Superior General
After 12 years of dedicated service, Sister Maria is stepping down from the role of Superior General and we welcome Sister Elena Belarmino as the new Superior General.
UN Transforming Education Summit (TES)
On the 5 August, our student Joel represented his region at the UN’s Transforming Education Summit 2022 in Manila.
Typhoon Rai-Odette
Typhoon Rai ravaged The Philippines, leaving devastation behind. Our schools in Cebu, have been badly affected by the typhoon with significant damage to the windows and roofs.
Visit to the Philippines March 2020
Our Trustee Clare’s visit to the programmes in the Philippines 2020