Early life

Yonathan comes from a poor farming family in Honduras. His father abandoned the family, leaving Yonathan and his mother and brother struggling to survive. Their mother works hard to support the family, but there is never enough food. Yonathan was frequently hungry and lacked access to vital healthcare support or secondary education.

This all changed when he met the Sisters of Mary and was offered a place at their school in Amarateca, Honduras in 2020. At school he is building his confidence, studying hard and he is especially interested in the vocational training particularly electrical engineering. Yonathan is now thriving at school, driven with a purpose to support himself and his family and with a dream to become an engineer. He wants to complete school and work to support his mother and help his brother through education. He then also wants to put himself through university to study Electrical Engineering.

Yonathan sits at a workbench holding pliers and working on a motor

Relieving dental pain

There is one thing however that is making Yonathan’s life more difficult – he struggles with dental pain. He urgently needs orthodontic treatment to correct his teeth. Due to years of hunger and malnutrition, Yonathan’s teeth have failed to develop correctly and they now cause him pain on a daily basis. If he cannot receive the corrective treatment, the dentist will be forced to extract two healthy teeth which are affecting his bite.

Dental needs

The cost to correct Yonathan’s teeth is 20,000 lempiras – £636. It is a relatively small cost weighed against the improved quality of life and confidence that the orthodontic work will provide but it is an urgent necessity. Can you help us to provide this care for him?

“I am so lucky and blessed to be here that the Sisters are helping me, so too with the donors and benefactors. I am so grateful with your unending help.”

YonathanAmarateca, Honduras