Ronald, St John Bosco Family,Adlas
Ronald, St John Bosco Family,Adlas

Ronald is the eldest of eight children.

When he was seven years old, his parents separated and the children were split up. He was given to his grandparents to be cared for whilst the youngest children stayed with his father. Despite the love and care of his grandparents his difficult early life affected him and instead of studying Ronald fell into bad company, gambled and drank and didn’t attend school.

He felt hopeless and without a future but thanks to the WVC donors we were able to fund a place for Ronald at the Sisters of Mary boys’ school in Adlas, in 2017 and he hasn’t looked back.

Today, aged 18 Ronald is part of the St. John Bosco Family in Adlas. He says being part of this big family “is such a blessing – school made me believe that I can be someone, that there is hope for me”.

He found the early days at the school challenging but is now flourishing in the care of the Sisters. He loves his studies and in this, his final year, he is ambitious for the future. He wants to be an accountant and once he has achieved this he dreams of building a house for his parents and grandparents and helping his siblings by sending them to school.

He says  “This school did not just provide me with a high-quality education, but it has given me a family; full of love and acceptance of who I am and what I can be. I am especially thankful to the Sisters who fill the missing piece in me, a mother and father to me and my fellow brothers. They gave us their lives and loved us unconditionally who were hungry for love and care.  The hurt feelings and bad experiences and discouragements I had in the past are just part of my journey and now I can proudly say that I am  somebody. I am somebody because someone believed in me.

Now, I stand tall and proud to do all these things for my family. All things are possible, with a little hard work, will, and determination. That is my key to success. Keep fighting until we reach our destination. It’s okay to be tired but never to give up.