a man and a nun stand and smile at the camera
Nigel meeting Sister Margarita in London, 2024

Nigel's story

Nigel has been supporting World Villages for Children since 2002.

He first heard of the charity in a direct mail appeal and over the years has looked forward to the updates on the children and the work of the Sisters of Mary in educating the poorest boys and girls around the world.

He says “I have always enjoyed supporting WVC because I am confident that my funds are going to the Sisters’ programmes for the care of the children. There is no bureaucracy in the organisation, I know the money is going exactly where it should go”.

In May 2024, Nigel was able to meet Sr Maria and Sr Margarita of the Sisters of Mary when they visited London, the Midlands, and Belfast to thank all our supporters for their long term help and kindness towards the children in their care.

Nigel was warmly welcomed by the Sisters and was keen to hear about all the details of the lives of the children in the schools.

The Sisters also wanted to show Nigel the enormous impact he is creating on the future of these children and how their lives, and the lives of their families are being transformed because of his compassion towards them.

a classroom in rural Tanzania full of many children in worn uniforms at desks

Making a lasting impact on the lives of the poorest

With no close family needing his support, Nigel made the decision that he wanted to leave his most important final gift to World Villages for Children and utilised the services of the Free Wills Network to draw up his will.  Nigel was delighted to tell the Sisters in person of his generous intentions and to share his motivation for making such a special gift.

“I wanted to make a long-lasting impact with my gift, to ensure that generations of the poorest children, those who experience such terrible difficulties, who might end up abused or involved in gangs, had the opportunity of getting out of poverty. The fact that any child is welcomed into the schools, not matter what faith, that they respect all religions, made an enormous impression on me and gives a real meaning to my legacy gift.

I was never blessed to have my own children but in supporting World Villages for Children and the Sisters of Mary I can use my legacy to help thousands of children to access education, develop their talents and build happy, poverty free lives for themselves and their families.”