My name is Mariamu from the Sisters of Mary School in Tanzania. I am part of St. Monica family. I come from Dodoma Region. I am 13 years old. Our mother Sister is Sr. Vaileth. I am the 5th child of 7 children in the family. We started to experience suffering and poverty when my father became addicted to drinking. He was spending the money on alcohol and not supporting the family. We depended solely on our mother then who was also sick with HIV and was made weaker because of overwork.
I had to skip breakfast at times. We usually could eat only once or twice a day. None of my brothers or sisters studied high school, they reached only until Grade 7 because our father was not able to support them.
When I first arrived at the Sisters of Mary School, I was very happy with the environment. The school is supporting me with everything I need and for my part I have only to struggle to study hard and learn all that I can.
I cannot imagine how good God is for choosing me to be here at the Sisters of Mary School where I can study well and eat three times a day. And the food is more delicious and nutritious than what I ate at home. Here I can eat rice, chicken, and beans while at home we can only eat this at Christmas or when we some good neighbours who could afford would give us some.
Another thing I like here at the Sisters of Mary is that the Sisters are teaching us to manage our time wisely. And as I stay here day by day I can notice some positive changes in my life. I am discovering my talents and my abilities. I have already learned how to pray in English, I’ve learned to eat using spoon and fork. I can now play games like football, netball, and swimming! Also I am learning some vocational courses which will help me find a good job in the future and help my family.
The challenge I am facing sometimes is homesickness, but I am trying to overcome this. In my studies, the English language is still a big challenge but I’m doing my best to learn as best as I can.
I wish to be a teacher someday, so that I, in turn, can help other poor people who do not have the chance to study. I’m hoping that after I finish my studies here at the Sisters of Mary School I will have a successful life so that I can help my family who depend on me a lot to support them someday.
Thank you so much to all our benefactors!