Madalena is 14 and from the poorest barrio in Santana do Araguaia – Pará, Brazil.
One of 9 children and deserted by their mother, Madalena and her younger brothers and sisters were left in the care of their elderly father until his death. With no one to care for them, the family were split and Madalena was cared for by her oldest sister who by then had her own family.
She says “My older sister that I consider as my mother works as a domestic helper. I was able to study in the morning and I worked in the afternoon in a restaurant – washing dishes, cleaning and wiping the tables so that I can help my sister and buy what I need.”
Because of her difficulties Madalena found life chaotic and learning difficult, failed her exams and her prospects for the future looked very bleak until she met the Sisters of Mary last year and we were able to fund a place for her at our girls school in Brasilia, Brazil.
In 2023, Madalena joined the Sisters of Mary school in Brasilia as a new student.
In her own words “Here I feel the care of a mother through the Sisters and I am learning many things. I like all the routine and schedule here because there in my house it is only I and no one else. Here I can feel that I am not alone. I will study hard and reach 3rd year high school and make technical in nursing. Then I can serve and help other people who are in need. Then continue to achieve my dream to be a police someday.”