a boy stands outside in front of a colourful wall mural

Early life

Kenneth comes from a poor family in Yoro, Honduras. His parents separated when he was young and he lives with his grandmother.

Due to poverty, Kenneth had to stop studying and work to help support himself and his grandmother. He managed to complete grade six in 2020 by receiving postal assignments provided by the school during the school closures caused by the pandemic.

Kenneth said of his primary school experience during the pandemic, “I was not able to understand my lessons because we only receive assignments that was not explained by our teachers. How hard to understand a lesson without any explanation?”

two boys in navy uniforms hold a clamp in mechanical class

Life at school

Kenneth was full of joy to be accepted at the Sisters of Mary school in Amarateca, knowing that he would be safe, have enough food, and receive an education that gives him a better future.

“The first thing I like most was the class in the welding shop, using many different tools such as welding helmet, angle grinder, safety glasses and many more. Also, I like the play ground for the place was so big for me to play”.

He has dreams for his future and his main concern is being able to help his family. His dream for his life is modest and he says, “I imagine having a permanent job and helping my family.”

“I wanted to learn on how to speak English well, and to be a football player someday. If not, I wanted to be a mechanic engineer, to put on my own shop.”

Thanks to the support from our donors, Kenneth is receiving a quality vocational and academic education to help him achieve his dreams.

“I am so grateful for everything, for the food, the clothes, shoes and for all I receive each day here at the Sisters of Mary. God would reward you in heaven having a noble heart, helping a poor Honduran child like me, I’m so indebted with all my heart.”

KennethAmarateca, Honduras