A Sister and Helena standing outside a basic shack

Helena is the third of six children

With no access to healthcare, her mother died suddenly and her alcoholic father was left in charge of the children. He has no education and no work.

Without money to support his family they share a small one room home with no electricity, water for drinking or sanitation. It is a chaotic existence. There is little food and they are forced to beg for scraps from their neighbours.

Helena dreams of a better, safer life for all her family and the chance to study at school.

Out in the community, the Sisters of Mary met Helena in October and were able to offer her a place at our school for girls in Kisarawe.  It is a dream come true for Helena and she will join us in January.

She says “I am so excited to join the school, it is the spark of hope that lights up my heart”.

Education is the key to ending poverty for the most deprived children. We are working to educate more children like Helena, give them a better start in life and help them build a better future.

Helena sitting at a sewing machine smiling

Helena at school

Helena is now thriving at Kisarawe Girls School. She is working hard and enjoying all of her classes, including learning how to sew in the vocational classes. In April 2022, Helena experienced her first Easter at the school and received an Easter gift provided by the generosity of our donors.

“That day I was very happy. I received gifts for the first time, enjoyed the food which I ate for the first time in  life and also I liked the games and competitions organized by the sisters” – Helena

Helena is one of the many girls in Tanzania who benefits from a thorough education at Kisarawe Girls School that will give her the opportunity and skills she needs to flourish in life. We look forward to seeing Helena’s progress as she completes her education.