Frenchzai is 13 years old from the Philippines. Her early life was marked with a disrupted and broken family life and a struggle to make ends meet.
“My name is Frenczhai. I am the eldest of four siblings. My father is a jeepney driver. When I was 6 years old, my parents separated because of some misunderstandings and my mother was pregnant that time. So, I stayed with my grandmother together with my youngest sister.
I was supported by my Grandparents during my elementary studies and sometimes I was bullied by other students, I tried not to mind them since I wanted to finish my studies and pursue with my dreams. When I was eight years old, my grandfather died and that was a big blow to my family because he was the only one working to support the family.”
“My grandmother tried to work as laundry woman, do manicures and sell rice cakes just to provide our daily needs, and I also helped my grandmother every day after my class. When I learned about the Sisters of Mary, I grabbed this opportunity without hesitation. I met the Sisters and luckily I was accepted by the Sisters. Here, I was given free food, clothing, and school supplies. I learned many things here and I developed my skills and talents.
And I know someday by the help of our benefactors and the Sisters of Mary and with all the things that I have learned here I can successfully achieve my ambition to become a doctor someday.”
We look forward to seeing Frenchzai realising her dream of becoming a doctor and supporting her family and building a life out of poverty when she leaves school. The support of our donors makes stories like Frenchzai’s full of hope for the future.