Dayana came to Villa de las Niñas, Honduras in 2020, the same year she lost her father. Dayana and her mother and siblings faced a real struggle for basic necessities without their father to help support them. Dayana says that from the moment she entered Villa de las Niñas her “life has changed”.
Safe in the care of the Sisters in the Sta Inés family, Dayana is excelling. She is well cared for and loves sport, especially basketball and soccer, and she has made lasting bonds with new school friends in the same family.
Dayana draws on her experiences to strengthen her resolve to thrive and wants to go to university to study Business Administration when she leaves Villa de las Niñas. Dayana also hopes to be able to give back to the school and become a donor one day, to continue helping girls like her. “Thanks to everything I’ve been through, I have my goals very firm and with the great desire to fulfil them”.
“In this place I find peace, love and immense happiness. I feel very grateful to all the people who help us make all this is possible.”