With no money for food, the family was always hungry and from the age of seven, Arturo was expected to work every day in the fields harvesting coffee and sugar to earn a few pesos to support the family.
In 2005 when he was 12, the Sisters of Mary heard of his difficulties and were able to offer him a place at the school for boys in Guadalajara. At school he was well cared for, properly fed and finally had access to education and healthcare. He was a keen student of English and he taught himself French in his spare time. He also thrived on more practical subjects like bookkeeping, geography and biology.
He graduated from school in 2011. He is now fully qualified as an accountant and after working for IBM has progressed to a role as auditor for Technicolour Film services. He is based in Mexico but travels extensively through Europe on behalf of the company and in October 2018 the charity were thrilled to catch up with him when he visited us whilst on business in London. We continue to have close contact with him as he supports with our fundraising work.
Arturo is now the sole support for his mother, father, and other members of his family, providing funds for food and healthcare and lifting them out of their lives of poverty. His family rely on him completely.