Two boys in school uniform

31 January is the 4th anniversary of our boys' school in Honduras.

Since then we have educated hundreds of the poorest boys in Honduras, teaching them vital skills in academic subjects and vocational skills to maximise their chances of finding a stable and well paid job in the local area.

Boys like Ilson and Kilber. When they were just three and four years old, their mother and father drowned, leaving the boys and their four month old sister alone. They were taken in by their elderly grandmother, but with little money she has struggled to provide for them. When the Sisters visited this remote hillside community last year they noticed the boys labouring on the hillside and picking coffee beans to earn enough to feed themselves. The boys took the Sisters back to their grandmother. The house was 30 minutes down a muddy path, on a steep mountainside, deep inside the coffee plantations.

Boys receiving their new backpacks

The boys were desperately thin, dirty and malnourished. They lived in a basic shelter. It was open to the elements and constructed of mud. It had no electricity or water for sanitation or drinking. It took two hours to retrieve water from a distant well, a trek the boys made four times a week. There were only two beds for the four of them to share each night. With no secondary school available and only a small local primary school, there was no chance for these boys to continue their education or make a better future for themselves.

Thanks to our supporters, we brought both boys, Kilber and Ilson, to our boys, school in Honduras.

With your help we can continue to rescue children like Ilson and Kilber and give them a brighter future through education.