We were touched to receive this encouragement and prayer from Fr Chris Vipers of Westminster Cathedral for Every Child's Birthday. These words will encourage every child as they celebrate in August


 15th August 2024

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Every Child’s Birthday”

I am so happy to be sending this special message to all of you on this wonderful day of celebration. This is the day when we celebrate the glorious mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heavenly glory. But what makes this day even more joyful is the celebration of your birthdays too. I wish I could be there to share your joy!

Pope Francis recently wrote a Letter to all the Children of the World, and in it he wrote these beautiful words: “I want to speak to each of you, dear children, because, as the Bible teaches us, and as Jesus showed so often, you are precious in God’s eyes.” Never forget that, children. God loves you so much. He always has and He always will.

The Pope’s Letter ends with a lovely prayer to the Holy Spirit, and I ask that we pray this prayer very often. God will always hear you. Here is the prayer:

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,

reflected in our faces and the faces of children all over the world.

Come, Jesus, you make all things new,

who are the way that leads us to the Father,

come and remain with us always.


May Mother Mary pray for you, and may God bless you always.

Happy Birthday!

Father Christopher Vipers

Director of the Agency for Evangelisation

Diocese of Westminster