A brighter future, created for, and by, children.

Education is key to ending poverty and every child deserves equal access to learning. World Villages for Children supports the Sisters of Mary to run live-in schools providing care and a quality education for the most deprived boys and girls across the world.

What we do
a young boy in school uniform sits at a desk in a classroom in Dodoma Boystown, Tanzania

Oloikishaan's Story

It took Oloikishaan four hours to get to and from primary school every day, sometimes longer due to the condition of the tracks. Living in a very poor, remote community, Oloikishaan couldn’t afford books and so he had to borrow books from his friends to do his schoolwork.

Without money there was little to no hope that Oloikishaan would be able to attend secondary school. When Oloikishaan heard about the Sisters of Mary, he travelled for six hours to meet them and was then accepted into our school in Dodoma, Tanzania.

It is only thanks to the kindness of our donors that boys like Oloikishaan are able to attend school and there are thousands more that we would like to be able to help.

Sponsor a Family

Connect with the children in our programmes and Sponsor their education and care.

You can make all the difference to a group of children in our schools by making a regular gift to help them through their education journey. By signing up to Sponsor a Family you can provide lifesaving care and education for children in a family group.

Your gifts will help provide vital support for the costs of keeping each child fed, clothed, and educated and help us welcome new children into our care.

Our work in the Philipines

Learn more about how our programmes around the world work, with a glimpse into the day-to-day of our Philippines programmes.

Credit: Filmed and edited by Jordan and Cassie Timpy of Agape Visuals – www.agapevisuals.com

“The Sisters of Mary is a place to give hope to everyone. You are given opportunities, big and great opportunity in life and that's the gift of education. So the best hope we can give to poor people like our students now, like me, is hope that one day you can better your life.”

SallyGraduate and teacher at Biga Girlstown, Philippines

Donation Impact Calculator

Your donations help us to provide education for the world’s poorest children. They help us to fund school places and the everyday care needed for boys and girls who are without hope. See the difference your monthly or single gift can make to the lives of the children in our care:

Calculate Impact
Our impact

333 million

Children across the globe live in extreme poverty

These children are deprived of the basics for survival like food, shelter and healthcare


New children welcomed into a life-saving place at school in 2024

Children from some of poorest countries worldwide now live and learn in our schools


Children in our schools worldwide in 2024

These children have shelter, care and learn the vital skills needed to secure employment


“I’m so grateful for all that I’ve learned in this school. May many many more poor children and their families be helped by World Villages for Children and the Sisters of Mary.”


“Honestly, without the excellent education provided for me by World Villages for Children, I would not be where I am now with my job and my ability to help my family live a better life.”


“I shall never have enough words to thank the people who make possible the mission of the Sisters of Mary, as I am the living proof of how their donation can transform lives”


“It is such great joy to know about you dear donors. I don’t want to miss the chance to thank you for all you have done for me and you keep doing for every girl in need.”


“I thank the benefactors for their generosity. Like them, I will also be a source of joy to others when I graduate”

DavidZona 6, Guatemala

“I owe my success to the Sisters of Mary, they're a great part of my life & I know that without them I wouldn’t be where I am now and I wouldn’t be able to help my family and get them out of poverty.”

Children’s stories